Via Portuense. Iscrizioni del cimitero giudaico di Monteverde. — Lavori di mine
per l'estrazione di tufo litoide han fatto crollare altri tratti di galleria del noto cimitero giudaico di Monteverde, che per le disperate loro condizioni di sicurezza non fu possibile salvare negli anni delle maggiori scoperte, e di cui non rimane ora che il breve tratto di galleria inaccessibile rappresentato nella nostra fotografia (fig. 10).
TRANSLATION: Via Portuense. Inscriptions of the Jewish cemetery of Monteverde. - Mining activities for the extraction of lithoid tufa have brought down other sections of the tunnel of the well known Jewish cemetery in Monteverde, from which, due to the desperate safety conditions, it was not possible to save years of major discoveries, and from which the short stretch of tunnel shown in our photograph does not now remain inaccessible (Fig. 10).
Transl a bit screwy. better: ... other sections of the tunnel of the well-known Jewish cemetery of Monteverde, which (because of their desperate safety conditions) were not possible to be saved in the years of greater discoveries, and of/from which now remains today only the short stretch of in accessible tunnel shown in our photo.
ReplyDeleteThis photo most likely corresponds to Fig. 3 plan in Vismara (pp. 364), a portion discovered in 1913 after Mueller's original excavations.