Photographs from online exhibition Vaults of Memory, International Catacomb Society: (accessed on 21 April 2011).
Transcriptions from The Packard Humanities Institute’s online database of Greek inscriptions: (accessed on 21 April 2011).
Burial plaque 17:
TRANSLATION: Here lies Proclus archon of the synagogue of the Tripolitanii. Let him rest in peace.
Burial plaque 18:
TRANSLATION: Here lies Makedonis the Hebrew, from Caesarea of Palestine; son of Alexandros (Alexander); a memorial of the righteous in praise; your resting is in peace.
Burial plaque 19:
TRANSLATION: Alypius of Tiberias and his son Justus and Alypius, Hebrews, lie here together with their father.
Burial plaque 20:
TRANSLATION: Here lies Pomponis, twice archon of the synagogue of the Calcaresii. He lived 60 years; his resting is in peace.
Burial plaque 21:
TRANSLATION: Here lies Neikodemos (Nicodemus), the archon of the Siburesii and loved by all; aged 30 years and 42 days. Be of courage, Ablabius the younger, no one is immortal.
Burial plaque 22:
TRANSLATION: Here lies Siculus Sabinus, archon-designate of the Volumnesii; aged 2 years 10 months.
Burial plaque 23:
TRANSLATION: Eternal home: Here lies Eupsychos; twice archon, archon of all honor and phrontistes; his resting is in peace; 55 years old.
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